Saturday, July 25, 2009

Perseverance and Victory

Just when you think that everything is going super well, things start to fall apart. I have been feeling lately that everything is going really well and my financial life has gained some stability. I was stoked to find out that I would be making more than enough this month for the first time in a while. Just when I was feeling awesome, I was told that my income may become scarce. This was a super hard thing for me to hear. I mean I know that God is going to provide because he always does, but taking away my main source of income is a hard hit. Seeing beyond the current circumstances is not an easy task, but I am going to focus my eyes on God and let Him guide me.
I hate job searching, it makes me sick. I know that God is going to use this as an opportunity to give me something even better, but I thought that I had just found a job that I really love and am paid enough to do. This is going to be a time of character building for sure, but I am going to continue to be faithful and give it all to God. He is the one that will help me to make it through the fire to come out on the other side triumphant. My words for the year are perseverance and victory after all. I believe that there are better things in store for me ahead, but I need to have patience to let God do His work in His time.